Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Acceptor or Resistor??

Are you a Resistor or an Acceptor??

I've been pondering a thought for several days, now. What makes one person accept things easily, while another person resists everything?  Is it about those who color inside the lines vs those who ignore the lines and color as they wish, or is it bigger than that?

I am, by nature, an Acceptor. I take what comes and make do. Life is good. Conflict is difficult. I can adapt. So I do. Adapt, that is. Accept. If I have the choice between a green sweater and a red sweater, it never occurs to me to want a blue sweater. I just pick from the offered choices. Now, I'm all about doing things up right, mind you. I never take on anything, unless I'm sure I can do it really, really well. But, as a remarkably adaptable soul, with a natural "half-full" look at life, I think things are mostly fine, just as they are. There is no perfect anything, right? So what IS can be made to work just fine and, mostly, I'm happy about what IS.

My Hubby is a Resistor. If there are 15 choices, he's pretty sure the 16th option will be even better. Never mind the fact that there is no 16th choice. That's simply not possible. There's always a 16th choice. If you just look long enough, search wide enough, spend enough energy beating the bushes, the 16th choice, and while we're at it the 17th, 18th and 19th choice will show up. He is an optimist in pessimist's clothing. On the surface, it looks as though he's never happy about anything, when in reality, he just know perfection is right around the corner. He resists the status quo in favor of the next amazing thing.

Now, obviously, neither of these ways of going about life is right or wrong, better or worse. But they are remarkably different.  I know I find his persistence to be, sometimes, exhausting. And I'm sure he thinks I settle for much less than is possible, or than I deserve. Perhaps this dichotomy is why we are perfect for each other. He makes the amazing possibilities come to life and I smooth the waters and keep the everyday moving forward.

Are you an Acceptor or a Resistor? What makes you that way? Is it your very nature, or is it something in your life's experience?  If you know the answer, pass it along please! In the meantime, today is fine the way it is, unless your my Hubby. Then there's bound to be something amazing just around the corner!